Chemical-free cleaning and its advantages
Cleaning is one of the inevitable facts of life and we all know that we’d rather be doing something else.
But have you ever wondered why you feel so much better after you’ve done chemical-free cleaning?
1. Improved physical, mental and emotional health
From your physical to mental and emotional health – when you have a chemical-free cleaned home, clean office or bedroom, you feel better and think clearer.
2. A clean environment is healthier
The problem is, as much as we all love the after-effects of having a clean environment, the act of cleaning can be a chore – literally! And if not done right it can also be the direct cause of many lifestyle ailments – from colds and allergies to mental confusion and distraction.
3. Technology is the key
The Ha-Ra® cleaning systems utlise superior fibre technology that work hard so you don’t have to. The system requires nothing more than a splash of water to eliminate the dirt and grime from every corner of your environment, meaning no more exposure to harsh chemicals.
4. Satisfaction Guarantee
Ha-Ra®’s revolutionary products take the chore out of cleaning and turn it into satisfaction, they are designed to give a better than professional clean in half the time by just adding water making it safe for you, your family, your staff and guests and the environment. Be confident in your chemical-free micro-fibre cleaning and in your Ha-Ra® products as they are backed by a 3-Part-Guarantee.