The cleaning routines of businesses and homes are shifting thanks to Ha-Ra.
As we have social distancing measures in place, most people spend their time at home. When we go back to work or out for shopping we have to keep in mind, that not only the coronavirus can live on surfaces for several hours. This is the reason why it is important to focus on cleaning high-traffic areas of your home and business first, as these are the places where viral buildup is most likely to occur.
We also recommend to stick to 1 or 2 dedicated cleaning kits to save money and simplify the process. If you are ready to change your mindset on cleaning, there is one simple rule to keep in mind:
If you have a totally dry, clean surface the germs cannot grow, much in the same way as if we as humans do not have food and water we cannot survive; bacteria cannot survive without water and nutrients.
Tests by Australian Laboratories have shown that the physical removal of bacteria and micro-organisms by scrubbing is actually more effective than the anti-microbial effect of cleaning agents used (killing bacteria).
After a lifetime of cleaning the ‘normal way’, you’re probably thinking 'Won’t there still be germs growing if you do not use chemicals as you have not sprayed any disinfectant on the surface?'
But what you might not know is that if you have a totally dry, clean surface the germs cannot grow, much in the same way as if we as humans do not have food and water we cannot survive; bacteria cannot survive without water and nutrients. The latest trend is disinfecting everything: actually most cleaning agents kill the bacteria but do not remove them, whereas microfibre cleaning, using only water, removes the bacteria and leaves behind only a dry, clean surface. And no chemical residue!
What does disinfectant do?
Disinfectant aims to kill any bacteria or microbes, however before disinfecting a surface it needs to be cleaned first. A disinfectant fluid must touch a bacterial cell and absorb it, in order to kill it. Little is achieved by pouring disinfectant solution over a dirty surface as most of the bacteria in the dirt will remain untouched.
Our priority is to ensure your cleaning needs are met and your environment is fully protected when cleanliness and hygiene are so important to our well being. We are taking steps to prepare and respond to do our bit to help contain the virus and keep the community, our clients and our team safe.
Tackle your cleaning chores with the highest hygiene standards and cleaning routines and contact us for a quote to clean with the Original & Pioneer in chemical free, natural & eco-friendly cleaning for domestic & commercial purposes for over 50 years!